
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Take Away Their 15 Minutes Of Fame

One of the saddest commentaries on American Society is who we remember. John Wilkes Booth, I don't need to tell you was Lincoln's assassin. Lee Harvey Oswald, was John F. Kennedy's assassin. Strangely enough we even know their middle names..... Can anyone tell me General Custer's full name (George Armstrong Custer)? We remember people like Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Ho Chi Minh, Jeffery Dalmer, John Wayne Gacey, Do the names Theodore Bundy, Charles Manson Ring a bell? But, let me ask a more poignant question.... Should they? Why do we dwell on the infamous? Perhaps we should ignore them. Obviously, we shouldn't ignore the deeds of evil, but, why do we need to know Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris ran amok at columbine high? Instead we should know that two distraught youths ran amok and maimed and murdered their class mates, and now are now doomed to eternal anonymity. History books should read Abraham Lincoln was shot at Ford's theatre by a southern sympathizer. Let the memory of John Wilkes Booth be forgotten, forever. The same should be true of any other murderer or truly evil person. We should not give them their 15 minutes of fame... That should be reserved for; Chelsey B. Sullenberger III (pilot of US Airways Flight 1549), William Rodriguez (World Trade Center Maintenance worker who saved 15 people on 9-11), William David "Dave" Sanders (died helping over 100 students escape from Columbine High School), Lance Corporal Joe C Paul (Died after placing himself between the enemy and his wounded comrades in Viet Nam), and Etc... Etc... Etc... on down to the Mother who lifts a car off of her baby. These are the people who deserve their 15 minutes of fame....
My solution The newspapers don't need to publish the names of the demons and monsters, who run amok through society, stealing, killing, raping and generally abusing society; It serves no purpose. Delete their names from memory, don't burn them into the collective conscientiousness of society. Erase their names from their tombstones, let the good people who are left behind in their families suffer in quiet pain and away from the limelight of the media vampires who will suck the blood from them and the victims of their relatives actions. Again it serves no purpose to give them their 15 minutes of fame. Perhaps by taking that away from them, others will not see the opportunity for infamy.

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