
Friday, March 19, 2010

Anchor Babies

In an earlier posting (Undocumented Workers? Why Can't We Call Them Illegal Aliens?) I discussed illegal immigration and touched on the subject of anchor babies. I thought it was necessary to expound on this phenomenon a little more. Currently under our laws, any child born in this country, is by definition an American citizen. I don't have a problem with this concept, except, for the fact that so many people cross over our borders, illegally, to give birth, and use this child to guarantee their right to stay in our country. Now, when you have someone who marries an American citizen, solely to gain citizenship, they are precluded from gaining their citizenship, on the basis of fraud. The same should be true of the parents of Anchor Babies. So I say that whereas the Anchor baby, should have citizenship granted to them, their parents should not, unless they go through legal proper legal channels, and qualify. To this I also stress having a child who is a legal citizen of the U.S. is not a qualifying reason for granting citizenship. If the child returns later on, he would automatically be an American citizen anyway, and would be able to claim such upon reentry to the country.

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