
Sunday, August 15, 2010

3 Strikes And You're Out, Make It 2

Some states have a 3 Strikes and you're out law, Florida has the "Three-strike Violent Felony Offender Act" which puts violent offenders away permanently on their third offense. Plus "10, 20, Life" that puts violent offenders in jail for life when they use a firearm in the commission of a crime. Here's how it works 1) a mandated minimum 10 year prison term for certain felonies, or attempted felonies in which the offender possesses a firearm or destructive device 2) a mandated minimum 20 year prison term when the firearm is discharged 3) a mandated minimum 25 years to LIFE if someone is injured or killed 4) a mandated minimum 3 year prison term for possession of a firearm by a felon and it is mandated that the minimum prison term is to be served consecutively to any other term of imprisonment imposed. This drove down Florida's violent-gun crime rates by 30% by the year 2004. This should be expanded or shrunk down to two strikes for sex offenders. Also when someone is sentenced for a crime that sentence should be carried out. 25 years to life means 25 years to life, after 25 years then he could be up for parole, not after 8 years. Too often career criminals get off Scot free. If Judges can't be tough then mandatory sentencing laws must be. I am not saying that we need to get tough on victimless crimes. Non-violent and victimless crimes should not require prison or jail terms. Restrictions yes.... But, reserve the cells for the violent, and those who require separation from society. Drunk drivers who are habitual (more than 2 offenses), lose their driving privileges until they can prove they are completely off the bottle. Also we should apply the use of a car as a "Destructive Device" under the "10, 20, Life" statute; If their drunken driving impacts on innocent bystanders. It is also time for Driver's Licenses that are embedded with a chip that activates a motor vehicle allowing it to start. If the person has their license revoked the chip is deactivated preventing the vehicle from starting. If the driver is in possession of someone Else's license the owner of the active license better be able to prove the unlicensed driver took it without their knowledge. A side benefit would be family vehicles could be set up for only drivers the owner of the car has designated as authorized drivers.

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