
Monday, January 18, 2010

National Police Service

In an earlier post, I professed an opinion that we needed a National Fire and Rescue Service and cited many reasons to include easing the budgetary burden on local communities. This also is a major reason for adopting a National Police Service. Many communities do not have the means for maintaining a reliable and efficent Police force. If this burden were to be picked up by the Federal Government it would be a more professional Force, with more effective training. A police force unburdened by state lines or local jurisdiction. With a more uniform standard of procedure, training and professionalism. A National Police Academy would train Senior Officers, and Localized "Boot Camps" would train new officers. The Deptartment of Corrections would fall under this National Police Force and the Prison system in this country would fall under these guidelines. Also under this would fall the FBI. We should also adopt and National Police Guard to act under the National Police Service as a reserve unit

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