
Saturday, January 23, 2010

When Voting Becomes A Conflict of Interest

I know this will stir up a hornet's nest, but, I really believe this needs to be said. "People on public assistance, should not be able to vote." It is a matter of conflict of interest. Politicans will pander to these people promising them more aid, more money, for their votes. If people on welfare are restricted from voting, these same politicans will be more likely to help them with workable programs to get them off the public dole, instead of keeping them there. For instance, I have had single mothers working for me, who when given a raise, asked me to cut their hours, because they would earn too much and would lose benefits. A mere dollar increase, was causing them to lose two dollars in benefits. Why should we punish these people and make it harder to alleviate their situation. We should set up the system which gives them every opportunity to get free of the system. What should have happened is for every two dollar increase in earning they should have only lost one dollar in benefits. In so making it easier to get off the welfare wagon, and building self sufficient members of society, contributing to the GNP. That won't happen until politicans stop seeing the poor as a voting block, so they will have no interest in keeping them poor. I have no problem with giving assistance to those who need in the short term, but, we have created welfare as a career choice.

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